Children’s Church for K-6th grade. Children remain with parents or family groups until after worship in song concludes. Please pick up your children promptly.
Nursery: Is provided as needed.
Youth Group ages 13-18- meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays in Room #1(youth room) at 6pm. Board games 3rd Thursdays.
Young Adult Small Group ages 18-25- meets on Saturdays alternating at the church and occasionally at the Walker’s house. See Heather Walker for more details.
FBCP Bible Studies
Bible Study Wednesday 5pm in room #1 resumes Wed Jan 8th currently studying the book of Psalms.
Zoom Bible study Thursdays at 6:30pm. Send your email to the office and request to be included on the zoom study emails for the link.
Women’s Bible Study Wed mornings at 10 a.m. resumes Jan 22nd. Currently studying "I Surrender All" by Priscilla Shirer
Men’s Bible Study & Breakfasts 2nd & 4th Tuesday mornings at 8am.
Young Adults Experiencing God Bible Study 1st & 3rd Saturdays 2 pm(unless otherwise announced).
Adult Sunday School 9:45 Sunday mornings, Currently studying the Gospel of Luke.
Prayer Sunday 9am
Church Prayer Chain- We are praying for you! If you have a need fill out prayer cards and place in offering or the boxes on the pillars, if you want your prayer needs to remain private indicate that on the request.