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2016 Archived Messages

 01/03/2016 Pastor Sam "The Will Of God" Mark 3:35

01/10/2016 Pastor Sam "Paul The Bond Servant" Roman 1:1-7

01/17/2016 Pastor Sam "Paul The Debtor" Romans 1:8-14

01/24/2016 Pastor Sam "Not Ashamed"  Romans 1:16-17

01/31/2016 Pastor Sam "Not Ashamed Part 2" Romans 1:16-17

02/07/2016 John and Barbara deJong Testimony & Communion

02/14/2016 Pastor Sam "Knowledge of God" Romans 1:18-20

02/21/2016 Pastor Sam "Stop Believing The Lie" Romans 1:21

02/28/2016 Pastor Sam "Righteous Judgement" Romans 1:26-31

03/06/2016 Kalida's Testimony

03/13/2016 Pastor Sam "Outside The Camp" Hebrews 13:11-16

03/20/2016 First Baptist Church of Paradise Easter Musical "He Chose Us"

03/27/2016 Pastor Dave Snow "The Tomb Is Still Empty"

04/03/2016 Pastor Sam "Knowing God" John 17:1-3

04/10/2016 Pastor Sam "Judgement Without Excuse" Romans 2:1-6

04/17/2016 Pastor Sam "There Is No Partiality With God" Romans 2:5-11

04/24/2016 Pastor Sam "The Effect Of The Law"  Romans 2:12-16

05/01/2016 Pastor Sam "Don't Be Cheated" Colossians 2:6-12

05/08/2016 Pastor Sam "What More" Isaiah 5:4 

05/15/2016 Pastor Sam "Outward vs. Inward Faith" Romans 2:17-29

05/22/2016 Pastor Sam "Hypocrisy vs Integrity" Romans 2:25-29

05/29/2016 Pastor Sam "God Is Just" Romans 3:1-3

06/05/2016 Pastor Sam "Perfect Peace" Isaiah 26:3-4

06/12/2016 Pastor Sam "Pentecost" Leviticus 22:15-21

06/19/2016 Pastor Sam "I Will Be A Father To You" II Corinthians 6:18

06/26/2016 Salley Klein O'Connor "Tour Of Roses In Israel"

07/03/2016 Pastor Sam "The Unrighteousness Of Man Part 1" Romans 3:9-12

07/10/2016 Pastor Sam "The Unrighteousness Of Man Part 2" Romans 3:12-18

07/17/2016 Pastor Sam "Christ Our Righteousness Part 1" Romans 3:12-15

07/24/2016 Don Bean "Renewing Your Mind"

07/31/2016 Pastor Sam "Christ Our Righteousness Part 2" Romans 3:23-26

08/07/2016 Pastor Sam "Christ Our Propitiation" 09/11/20163:25-26

08/14/2016 Pastor Sam "Where Is Boasting Then" Romans 3:273v27

08/21/2016 Pastor Sam "Imputed Righteousness" Romans 4:1-8

08/28/2016 Pastor Sam "Walking By Faith" Romans 4:9

09/04/2016 Pastor Sam "Be Holy" 1 Peter 1:13

09/11/2016 Pastor Sam "Righteous By Faith" Romans 4:13-25

09/18/2016 Pastor Sam "Justification By Faith" Romans 4:19-25

09/25/2016 Pastor Sam "Hope Does Not Disappoint" Romans 5:1-5

10/02/2016 Pastor Sam "In Due Time" Romans 5:6

10/09/2016 H Eiland "Just As I Am"

10/16/2016 Pastor Sam "Reconciliation In Christ" Romans 5:7

10/23/2016 Pastor Sam "The Free Gift Of Christ" Romans 5:12-16

10/30/2016 Brad Wells "Contentment" Philippians 4:4-13

11/06/2016 Pastor Sam "Our Unchangeable God" Malichi 3:6

11/13/2016 Pastor Sam "Grace In Christ Abound" Romans 5:18

11/20/2016 Pastor Sam "Being A Friend Of God" James 2:22-24

11/27/2016 Pastor Sam "Shall We Continue In Sin" Romans 6:1-5

12/04/2016 Pastor Sam "No Longer Slaves" Romans 6:6

12/11/2016 Pastor Sam "Alive From The Dead" Romans 6:7

12/25/2016 Pastor Sam "Significant Insignificant"

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